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SEND Information Report

How does Kingskerswell Church of England Primary School Look?

We are a large village school with 355 children on roll, learning in 14 single year classes. Our register of children with Special Educational Needs is roughly 12%, this is slightly below the National Average of 12.6% and lower than the Devon average of 14%. 4% of children on our SEND register are also in receipt of pupil premium funding. There are 10 children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), this is roughly 3% of our school population which is in line with the Devon average of (2.8%) and lower than the national average (4.5%).

We have a creative and inspiring curriculum which encourages managed risk taking, promotes independence and provides memorable experiences which enrich children’s early lives. We value learning outside the classroom and have a well embedded Forest School on site, which provides further opportunities for pupils to develop collaboration and communication skills, as well as celebration of their achievement’s. We ensure that all children can access this either through adaptations to the sessions or through additional adult support. We offer Forest School sessions to pre-schoolers (Wilderbugs) who can take part in sessions alongside their parents. We are lucky enough to have an outdoor classroom (Bramble Lodge) for extended outdoor learning opportunities.

At Kingskerswell Church of England Primary School, we are committed to offering a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress and outcomes for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities. We are a Church of England school and our Christian values of respect, caring for each other and learning together underpin all that we do within our school and learning community. We endeavour to celebrate a variety of significant days throughout the year from many different religions, cultures and charities; some of these are celebrated as a whole school and some of these are celebrated within class.

The Local Offer

In respect of the Code of Practice (CoP) for SEND, the local authority has a duty to publish arrangements for SEN support in schools. This is called the Local Offer and includes information about the provision that can be expected for children and young people ages 0-25. It includes provision from across the education, health and social care. Use the link below to find out about the Devon Local Offer.

What type of special educational needs do pupils currently at Kingskerswell experience?

We support children with a wide spectrum of special educational needs and disabilities. Children who are on the SEND register have a primary area of need as set out in The Code of Practise, although many children also have secondary needs that affect their abilities either physically, socially, mentally or academically.

These areas of need are:

  • Communication and Interaction needs (this includes those with Speech, Language and Communication needs as well as those on the Autistic Spectrum).
  • Cognition and Learning (this includes children with developmental delay, dyslexia, dyscalculia and other identifiable cognitive and learning needs as well as specific maths or literacy difficulties).
  • Social Emotional and Mental Health difficulties which impact a child’s ability to cope e.g. anxiety, selective mutism.
  • Sensory and/or physical needs (in our school we currently have children with hearing impairment, visual impairment and physical needs).

The progress of all pupils with SEND support is closely monitored by their individual class teachers who are responsible for ensuring that each child, regardless of need, makes good progress from their starting points. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (Jennifer West) alongside subject leaders, Key Stage Leaders and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) monitors children with SEND across the school. Children with SEND are robustly monitored through observations, pupil conferencing, learning walks, data analysis and pupil progress meetings, Teachers meet with parents of children with additional needs at least termly to discuss their child’s provision and review their targets; this will usually be recorded on a Learning Plan or as a TAF (Team Around the Family). Parents can talk to the class teacher or the SENCo about their concerns for their child at any time by contacting the school by phone or email. The teachers work closely with the SENCo to consult with parents to establish the main need of a pupil and assess whether these can be met in class through universal provision or whether another level of SEND support is needed. Other support could include speech and language therapy, counselling, a maths or literacy intervention or external advice from other professionals such as an Educational Psychologist.  

How does the school know if children/young people need extra help?

The class teachers along with the SENCo are responsible for identifying pupils who need SEND support. We have a clear Graduated Response for identifying and supporting children with SEND. We use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Graduated Response Toolkit from Devon. (See SEND Policy for more details).

We use a number of outside agencies to advise us on meeting pupils’ needs including: Educational Psychology Service, Behaviour Support Service, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Neuro-Development Support, Community Nursing Team, Communication and Interaction Team, Dyslexia Outreach Support, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Devon Integrated Support Service (DISS), School Counsellor, Advisory teachers for the hearing impaired, Advisory teacher for physical difficulties.

Our teachers robustly monitor all the children in our school to check that they are making expected and better than expected progress. We use a variety of assessment tools to ensure we know exactly where children are in relation to their own personal targets for learning and age related expectations (ARE). For those children working well below age related expectations due to their needs, other areas of their development will also be monitored to ensure progress, such as socialisation and behaviour, speech development and levels of independence.

If one of our teachers has any concerns about a child’s behaviour, social skills or learning, they will, in the first instance, speak to parents or carers. If concerns remain then a discussion with the SENCo will take place and there will be some information gathering. It may then be decided that further support needs to be put in place within the school by our school staff, such as a short-term intervention. It may be that, between school and home, we decide another layer of support is needed, in this care, out-reach support will be arranged by the SENCo, such as visit from an Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist or Advisory teacher. These professionals work in a variety of ways but could meet with parents/carers and teachers, observe children in their normal school setting or carry out assessments with the child. Parents/Carers will be kept informed at every point in the process.

In the summer term before children start at Kingskerswell, our EYFS staff carry out home visits. These are an opportunity for teachers to meet parents/carers and their child and discuss any areas of specific need they may have or be concerned about as well as informing us of their interests and abilities. Also in the summer term prior to starting school, all children have the opportunities to come in to school for taster days, which provide another chance for children and parents to familiarise themselves with the school setting and speak to staff informally. The SENCo and class teachers will use paperwork and records passed onto us by your child’s nursery or preschool setting in planning for their provision. If you child has already been identified as having additional needs or has an EHCP, our staff will visit them in the preschool setting to ensure we have all the information we need to fully support them as they join our school. This process begins in the summer term before entry into school. If parents have concerns about their child with regards to any additional needs, it is advised that they contact the school SENCo in the summer term before their child starts school for a discussion about how we will set up provision for them.  

What should I do if I think my child may need extra help at school?

If you believe your child needs extra help or you are concerned about their learning development in any area and would like to discuss this with school, please speak to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. The SENCo can also attend this initial meeting to listen to concerns around your child’s needs and suggest next steps. This process will follow the Graduated Response as set out in the schools SEND policy.

How will the school and I know how my child is doing?

We have a robust monitoring and assessment cycle, which means that we are constantly looking at how all children in the school are progressing, both against their own individual targets, and against the national data and ARE (Age Related Expectations).

We have a designated SEND Governor who also monitors the work of our SEND team and comes in to school at least once a term to discuss how well we are addressing all of our children’s needs and to observe how we support children in classes. Reports about general progress in SEND are given regularly to the governing body who play an active part in challenging us and helping us to ensure even better outcomes for all children.

If your child has SEND support, their progress will be reviewed with the class teacher and the SENCo at school during a Learning Plan meeting each term. The child’s progress in relation to their Learning Plan targets will be discussed and it may be decided that additional, external support may be needed. This will involve discussions alongside the class teacher and SENCo.

Parents can contact the class teacher or SENCo if they are concerned about their child’s progress, learning, behaviour or social skills and arrange a meeting. If your child’s needs are more complex and a multiagency approach is needed, the school may hold a TAF meeting (Team Around the Family). A TAF meeting is where everyone that is involved with supporting the family gets together to plan provision. This is then reviewed after a few weeks and re-assessed before creating the next plan.

Those children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) will also have their child’s progress reviewed through a statutory annual review meeting every year. During the meeting, plans are made and targets are set to meet the needs of individuals for the next 12 months. This will also include discussions about transition to secondary schools during the year 5 annual reviews.  

What sort of extra support might my child have?

At Kingskerswell, we believe the best support is delivered within the mainstream classroom through accessing high quality teaching as part of the universal provision for all children with the addition of a personalised curriculum to meet an individual’s SEND needs. We at Kingskerswell Primary, work closely with the Educational Psychology Service through reasonable adjustments to the curriculum and the daily routines of the school. This is planned individually and may include providing extra adult support for some activities, at key times or intervention work either in a small group or 1:1. Children with emotional and social needs are supported through the Thrive approach (see our school website for more details). Children may have individual Thrive Action Plans which are sent home and parents may be invited to attend our Family Thrive sessions. This is led by our Thrive Leader, Lyndsey Cahill.

How will my child be included in school activities?

All children with SEND are included as part of their classes and have access to assemblies, school performances, school visits, extra-curricular activities and residential trips. In order to ensure all children’s health and safety, risk assessments have to be completed for all off-site visits and any individual requirements will be discussed with parents. In some cases, individual risk assessments will need to be completed. School staff will discuss and agree with parents how their child can be included whilst taking account of their individual needs.

What support will their be for my child’s overall well-being?

At Kingskerswell we believe it is vital that children’s emotional needs are met first, as without this they will not be ready to learn. There are trained Mental Health First Aiders in school, including the Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher. We have a number of teachers and teaching assistants who provide direct Thrive support for some children, but the ethos of Thrive is embedded and runs through the whole school and is our approach to meeting children’s emotional needs. We follow the Thrive key messages of Attune (catch and match the feeling), Validate (stop the behaviour, validate the feeling), Contain (keep the child safe) and Regulate (help the child to calm, sooth the child).

Since the COVID pandemic, children’s emotional needs continue to be made even more of a priority due to the widely differing experiences that children have gone through during school closure and the disruption to their school education. In 2022, we will continue to devote more support to children’s social emotional developments through PSHE lessons within class.

All school staff are aware of children with additional needs and look out for and support them throughout the day. Pupil Passports are written by the adults that know the children best and these are shared with all staff, including the admin teams, MTAs and wrap-around staff. Children with medical needs have their needs met through individual health care plans and if they need to have medicine at school, this is kept at reception and administered as specified on their health care plan in consultation with parents by a designated adult. Some children with SEND are recommended regular physiotherapy exercises at school and 1:1 exercise sessions are arranged.

Children with SEND who need additional personal care have their needs met through a personal intimate care plan which is devised with full parental involvement. Behaviour care plans are completed in order to support children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties who struggle with their behaviour in school. If a child is at risk of exclusion due to challenging and dangerous behaviour, the SENCo will arrange a meeting to complete an individual behaviour care plan with parents, class teacher and other key adults of the child. The plan is shared with all key adults and reviewed and updated regularly to support the individual child.

We work closely with a number of external agencies who come into school and work alongside children and staff, sometimes for short intense periods of time, sometimes for a short session but ongoing. For example, our Speech and Language Therapist has periods of time where she will come in on a weekly basis to work with individual children; our Educational Psychologist comes into school on a termly basis and our outreach experts from the Communication and Interaction Team meet with teachers virtually on a termly basis.  

Who supports children with SEN and Disabilities at Kingskerswell?

All staff at Kingskerswell support children with SEND. The SENCo coordinates the provision and different staff members have different areas of expertise from Thrive and behaviour support, to phonics support, from maths support to physiotherapy. We are committed to continually updating the training for staff and keeping the skill set high in order to best meet the needs of individual children.

What training have the staff supporting SEND had or what training are they having?

All staff are trained to identify when there are barriers to learning and to respond appropriately. Our SENCo, teachers, teaching assistants and meal time assistants have a wide range of qualifications, training and experience of working with children with a wide range of needs including (but not limited to):

  • Autism Spectrum Condition
  • Speech and Language Disorders
  • Social Interaction and Communication Difficulties
  • Emotional Difficulties
  • Epilepsy
  • Specific difficulties e.g. Dyslexia
  • Hearing and Visual Impairment
  • Moderate Learning Difficulties
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Profound and Multiple Difficulties.

Staff working with individual children on a 1:1 basis receive additional training in order to meet the children’s needs, this training may be in or out of school and often takes the form of outreach advisors working alongside the staff in school.

How is the school equipped to meet the needs of children with SEN and Disabilities?

At Kingskerswell Primary, we know it is important for all staff to have good quality continual professional development. This, along with our rigorous performance management system means that staff are always trained to meet the needs of the children they are working with, including those with special educational needs and disabilities or medical needs. Where it is felt that staff need additional training to support an individual Child’s needs, the SENCo or subject leaders will organise this.

Our school is situated in extensive grounds, we have a Forest School and a large playing field. These can be accessed easily by most children and we have alternative access arrangements for those with specific physical needs. We have secure entry to the school and all external doors which are not fire escapes are either bolted or locked with a code. The school is fully wheelchair accessible with disabled toilets and changing facilities. Our 2-story building extension is accessible via a lift. Small specialist items of SEN equipment are purchased routinely on a needs basis through the allocated budget.

How are parents involved in the school?

At Kingskerswell Primary, we encourage the engagement of parents and carers through encouraging parent helpers on trips, to hear readers in school and to join us for our range of community events, such as services at the church, fetes, assemblies and exhibitions. We have an active PTFA who do a huge amount to support our school, such as putting on events and fundraisers throughout the year. We also have parents who make up part of our governing body.

Parents and child voice is valued and this forms the basis of our support for children with SEND. Parents/Carers and children have their views listened to and these are recorded on their Learning Plans. Children’s views are always gathered as part of multi-agency meetings and annual reviews.

Children who are on the SEND register are invited for Learning Plan meetings termly. Additional meetings can be requested by school or home if there are any concerns. All parents are invited in for parents evening in the Autumn Term and Spring Term. Other arrangements are also made for parents to meet class teachers to discuss school reports and at transition times to meet new teachers. Throughout the year parents are warmly invited to their child’s class assemblies, whole school events and other performances.

How can I get more information about SEN in Devon?

Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) provide general advice and support on many aspects of education of children with SEN and disabilities and can be of particular help at times of transition from primary to secondary school. The support provided by the Devon Local Authority for children with SEN and disabilities can be found in:

Teachers and the SENCo can direct parents to other organisations and services that can provide additional support for children with SEND.

What should I do if I am worried or unhappy about the support my child is receiving in school?

At Kingskerswell, we are committed to working with parents to meet each child’s SEND needs fully. If there is something that you feel works really well, please let us know about it; similarly, if there is something that you do not believe is working well and would like to discuss, please contact the class teacher or the SENCo (Jennifer West) to discuss your concerns. We would rather these are brought up as early as possible so that things can be dealt with straight away. You can also contact Key Stage Leaders, (Lisa Alexander in Key Stage 1; Jo Perrott in Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4); Wendy Williams in Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)), one of our Assistant Headteachers, (Daniel Yiend or Dale Sanders), Deputy Headteacher (Karen Strachan) or Headteacher (Rachel Miller) to arrange a time to discuss your concern. If you still feel concerned, you can contact the Governor responsible for SEND, by letter.

Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) can advise parents/carers on how to proceed if they feel their concerns are not being adequately addressed by the school of Local Authority.

SENCo: Jennifer West

SEND Governor: Susan Robinson