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The school’s Governing Board has 13 governors who come from a range of backgrounds and experience. The governors represent parents, the wider community, the church, school staff, and the Local Authority. They are all volunteers. The head teacher is also a member of the Governing Board. Most governors serve for a four-year term and can be re-appointed. If you think you might be interested in becoming a school governor please let the school office know, and they will put you in touch with the Chair or the Clerk to discuss vacancies and the work involved.

The governors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Board meets every four or five weeks.  All meetings start at 5.30 pm. Minutes of recent meetings can be found on the school website.

Since January 2016 individual governors have taken the lead on specific aspects of the school’s work and report to the Governing Board on these. This replaces work previously done by two committees – one for Resources and the other for Teaching and Learning. The governing board also has a pay and performance committee.

The government’s Department for Education stresses that ‘governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities.’ Information about our governors is shown below along with their photographs.

The school is also required to publish information about how many meetings governors attended during the last school year and this is also given below. Each year governors are asked to sign a register of business interests which asks them to declare whether they have any other interests which could affect or conflict with their work as a governor. None of the present governors has declared any such interest.

The School’s Governing Board

Laura Twamley

Laura Twamley
Staff Governor

Amy Vine

Amy Vine
Co-opted Governor

Adam Devine

Adam Devine
Co-Opted Governor

Paul Dodds

Parent Governor

Giles Watson

Giles Watson
Parent Governor

Danny Brown
Parent Governor

Rachel Miller

Rachel Miller

Sam Vine

Sam Vine
Parent Governor

Rev Michael Wilkie

Rev Michael Wilkie
Foundation Governor - Ex Officio

Matthew Loosemoore

Matthew Loosemoore
Parent Governor - Co-Chair

Sarah McDonald

Sarah McDonald
Local Authority Governor - Co-Chair

Susan Robinson

Susan Robinson
Co-opted Governor